Monday, January 26, 2009



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a picture from my second trip to Japan. I chose it to show the contrast between the interplay of technology and nature in Japan.

  3. The signified here appears to be the image of the buildings in the background. The signifier being the long path (the field) to reaching those buildings. The way the photographer took the picture enhances the distance of the buildings and suggests the photographer took time to center the piece, this was not a simple "point and shoot" type of picture.

  4. Not only is does this image suggest the contrast between technology and nature, but it also suggests the dichotomy of new and old culture - next to the rising city skyline, an old-fashioned pagoda-like structure can be seen in the back ground to the right. The notions of progress vs. tradition come up as well while viewing this image, though it could be deceptive: the image creates a connotes that Japan is allowed to be a country of functioning contrasts, and it creates the myth that the old and the new can coincide peacefully together.

    But I wonder if that is the truth of the situation – could a group wanting more land to build their buildings on be petitioning the city to tear down the pagoda? Could the pagoda’s advocates be against the construction of the city? This is merely speculation, but the absence of any humans in the image leads me to create a human story to go with it.

  5. Megan brings up a very good point on the contradiction of being both in tune with nature and also wanting technological and social progress; Which invariably destroys the nature the people venerate. She also added a human story into the picture, which is something I had no thought of at all. I really like the comments, they were meaningful and constructive.
