Monday, April 27, 2009

Rough Outline

Japanese tourist images directed at westerners and images directed toward Japanese for domestic tourism

I plan to look at the development of tourism is Japan and how tourist policies have changed over time. So I am looking at both domestic and inbound tourism. I want to see if there is a difference between what is presented to westerners in order to entice them to come to Japan: Also, what is used to influence Japanese people to explore their own country. If there is not much difference, then I want to see what are some of the similarities in the presentations presented to the two sets of people.

I want to try to connect some of presentations directed at westerners to orientalist ideas and maybe even imperialism and its lingering effect on western perceptions of Japan. Also, I think I see a link with Tanizaki and his idea of true Japaneseness and pure and unique Japanese culture with Domestic Japanese tourism. From what I have seen in some of my research points to the idea of Japanese trying to get in touch with their roots and "traditional Japanese Culture" as one of draws that is used to influence Japanese people to explore their country.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Non-Art Image

This image is using the concept of cut to promote the idea of Valentine's day. The artist creates cuteness in the image by simplifying the line in the image. Also, the eyes are expressing emotions in exaggerated tones, when things become cute in anime usuallt there is either an abundance of detail of a severe lack of it. This image expresses the latter. Since the character in the white hair is angry and has little bows in his hair creates a feeling of kawaisou in the viewer and adds cuteness to the image.