Monday, April 27, 2009

Rough Outline

Japanese tourist images directed at westerners and images directed toward Japanese for domestic tourism

I plan to look at the development of tourism is Japan and how tourist policies have changed over time. So I am looking at both domestic and inbound tourism. I want to see if there is a difference between what is presented to westerners in order to entice them to come to Japan: Also, what is used to influence Japanese people to explore their own country. If there is not much difference, then I want to see what are some of the similarities in the presentations presented to the two sets of people.

I want to try to connect some of presentations directed at westerners to orientalist ideas and maybe even imperialism and its lingering effect on western perceptions of Japan. Also, I think I see a link with Tanizaki and his idea of true Japaneseness and pure and unique Japanese culture with Domestic Japanese tourism. From what I have seen in some of my research points to the idea of Japanese trying to get in touch with their roots and "traditional Japanese Culture" as one of draws that is used to influence Japanese people to explore their country.


  1. YES! OKINAWA!!! :D

    Also, I stumbled across the Hello Kitty ambassador thing in my research. I thought it was an daring move, but at the same time it makes sense. I say this because Hello Kitty *is* rather popular in China (not as popular as it is in Japan) so having this common medium is something good to focus on. Especially if you think about all the problems the two countries have with each other.

  2. I agree with Faia-chan, using an intermediary figure that appeals to two cultures is a great way to bridge the gaps that are sure to arise in international diplomacy. I feel like when two separate entities can find common ground, it goes much further in building a relationship rather than showing up and going "I am X, you are Y, we are DIFFERENT BY A WHOLE INTEGER IN ASCII", even small differences can quickly become mountains. And that American reporter was just being an idiot, Hello Kitty is great.

  3. Omg, that Okinawa commercial was hilarious!!

    Anyway, I suppose to help you along your way, maybe looking into these commercials from duel personalities might help: think about what Westerners might be thinking as they view the commercial about the 'traditional yet modern' Japan ---> they only want to see what they want, like the kimonos and temples. Yet, if they were to see the things like hostesses and love hotels, what would they think?

    Also, think about what a Westerner would think of the Japanese commercials... Would they approve or would be have an attitude?

    Hope this helps!

  4. Thanks for the comments, they are very helpful.
